Tag Archive for: COVID-19

Patterns of risk, disease and response
This abridged version of the COVID-19 Narratives By Dr David Nabarro will be featured in the British...

Work-life balance: Care, Connection, Compassion for a Change
By David Nabarro, Strategic Director of 4SD - Skills,…

COVID-19 Narratives Abridged: In the face of the COVID-19 pandemic, we are only as strong as the weakest of us
This abridged version of the COVID-19 Narratives By Dr David Nabarro will be featured in the British...

Assessing national performance in response to COVID-19
By Dale Fisher, Yik Ying Teo, David Nabarro This is an extract of a Lancet Comment article which was...

Three steps for leaders to tackle COVID and climate emergency
Dr David Nabarro is Special Envoy to the World Health Organisation on COVID-19 and Strategic Direct...

Dealing with covid-19 means looking beyond immediate crisis response
We anticipate that the SARS-CoV-2 virus and the resulting disease covid-19 will remain an ever-pres...

The challenge of learning to live with COVID-19 from a Public Health Perspective – 4SD
By Dr Carlos Madrigal- Iberri During this Open Online Briefing with Dr. Nabarro, I realized that loc...

El reto de aprender a vivir con COVID-19 desde una perspectiva de Salud Pública – 4SD
By Dr Carlos Madrigal- Iberri En esta sesión con el Dr. Nabarro, terminé de comprender que los esfue...

Optimism, Inequalities, and Hope in the COVID-19 Pandemic – 4SD
I attended Dr David Nabarro’s debrief session of 18 June from Bangalore, India. As an admirer of str...

The state of the Pandemic: where the virus is, what impact it has, and how that can be tackled
The state of the Pandemic: where the virus is, what impact it has, and how that can be tackled By Dr...