Our partnerships are co-created and evolve over time depending on our partners’ needs.

Ways we Partner

We partner with organisations to urgently increase the number of leaders who can effectively communicate with different types of people, create connections, and collaborate on solutions and meaningful actions. Our partnerships are co-created and evolve over time depending on partner needs and often feature activities from our key specialty areas.

Partner with Us

Download the brochure that demonstrates how individuals and organisations work with us here and reach out to us via the contact page to explore what this could mean for us together.


We foster dialogues and nurture joint action among diverse actors (in food, nutrition, climate, nature and health) to explore new perspectives, identify differences and enable convergent actions to emerge.

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Leadership Teams

We support leadership teams within multi- purpose organisations as they develop innovative approaches on specific issues, tackle complex challenges and embark on major transformations.

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Train and Mentor

We train and mentor both established and emerging leaders so they become more capable of leading for impact within complex, Living Systems with tailored learning programme and active networks.

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Accompany Processes

We lead and accompany processes of change for both equitable and sustainable development and for crisis responses.

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Our partnerships

We are proud to partner with a number of public and private sector organisations including: