Tag Archive for: COVID-19

COVID-19 Narrative Fifteen
Narrative Fifteen delves into what reaching a COVID-19 ready state means and the challenges that are inherent in doing so.

COVID-19 Narrative Fourteen
Narrative Fourteen analyses the introduction of lockdowns in areas where transmission is occurring. A lockdown means restrictions on movement and association, with priority given to essential services like food and healthcare whilst dramatically reducing the nature and number of person-to-person interactions.

COVID-19 Narrative Thirteen
Narrative Thirteen details three important elements needed for a collective response – Public Health, Fiscal, and Community Resilience – and recognises the role of women’s leadership in the response.

COVID-19 Narrative Twelve
Narrative Twelve dives into the reality of struggles faced by local authorities in a small french village where decisions are made and evolve quickly, whilst citizens search for immediate reasons and answers.

COVID-19 Narrative Eleven
Narrative Eleven takes a step back from the emergency as a threat to our health and considers the economic shocks, impact on businesses, poverty and social consequences of the crisis. It concludes with a useful approach for policymakers to tackle such a complex problem.

COVID-19 Narrative Ten
Narrative Ten takes a sincere look at the position leaders’ are in – their decisions are changing by the day, not necessarily because they are making mistakes, but simply because the situation is rapidly evolving.

COVID-19 Narrative Nine
Narrative Nine builds on Narrative Three by detailing how big business, small business and the self-employed are affected, ways to contribute to the response, and most importantly, the need to act quickly and decisively.

Narrative Eight
It will take the world much longer to suppress this pandemic if nations continue to work independently and are inconsistent in their application of WHO guidance” – This narrative collates Dr David Nabarro’s thoughts as G20 leaders prepare for the “Extraordinary Leaders’ Summit” early this week.

COVID-19 Narrative Seven
As countries all around the world enter the most restrictive peacetime measures they may have experienced, people everywhere will experience a range of moods and emotions that will impact on their lives. The overall message for now is: ‘Be Fast, No Blame, No Regrets’.

Narrative six: solidarity responses
Narrative Six is a call for Solidarity responses to COVID-19 outbreaks.
We must unleash local capacity, activate networks, coordinate efforts and use WHO guidance.