We accompany partners through complex processes across issues like food systems transformation, public health, climate and crisis response.

Accompanying Processes of Change

At 4SD Foundation, we build partnerships that enable us to provide long-term support to individuals and groups, accompanying them on a one-to-one basis as they as they draw on 4SD’s experience with Living Systems to unpack specific challenges that they face in the contexts where they work.

This includes accompanying partners or groups of partners through complex processes and includes work in the areas of:

To explore a partnership with 4SD Foundation for accompaniment of a process contributing to sustainable development, reach out to us via the contact page.

Our objectives

Our approach to accompanying processes of change starts with our sensing into the systems, appreciating how these systems adapt in relation to their environment, and working with them both as a whole as well as with their disparate parts.

We feel into their rhythm and pace, connecting with diverse actors within them, identifying the systems leaders, meeting with them where they really are.

We help those within each system reflect on what unites them, as a common identity, as well as how they relate to each other and what they feel able to share with each other.

We accompany systems leaders as they become conscious of their own strength, work amongst – and navigate – power relationships, acknowledge vulnerability in the face of uncertainty, and manage surprise and adversity.

Partner with Us

To partner with us on a process where our accompaniment may be of value, reach out to us via the contact page and we will come back to you asap!

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