Tag Archive for: COVID-19

Repercussions of the pandemic in the Global South
I have been participating in some of the recent COVID-19 Open Online Briefings which reinforce my un...

We listen, we learn, we care and then we act
David is an old friend and colleague of my wife, Jo Nickolls. They worked together on ebola. When I ...

Strength of character through the global pandemic
Strength of character through the global pandemic By Jane Aslanidis. On the first of January 2020, I...

What can the vaccine roll-out learn from test and trace?
What can the vaccine roll-out learn from test and trace? By John Atkinson and David Nabarro. Origina...

Holding the virus at bay requires following the well-established disciplines of disease outbreak con...

COVID19: Do what is needed to hold the virus at bay
Holding the virus at bay requires following the well-established disciplines of disease outbreak con...

Whole-place approach for a COVID-ready city
The first phase of the global COVID-19 pandemic required a national response. Around the world, nat...

5 Principles to Guide Adaptive Leadership
A middle path is needed…. Too many restrictions damage people’s livelihoods and provoke resentment....

Understanding COVID-19 in school settings
Educational continuity is essential to long term social cohesion and economic success. That is why i...

The Great Revealer: Emergence of the “COVID-Ready” World
The Great Revealer: Emergence of the “COVID-Ready” World: By Dr David Nabarro and John Atkinson.